What information do we collect from visitors to our website?
We collect two kinds of information from visitors to sheglobal.co.uk.
Feedback (through emails to our Internet Services Team).
Site usage information, from log files and cookies for auditing, research and analysis to improve our technologies and services.
Correspondents should note that all communications to or from sheglobal.co.uk may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for lawful purposes. We may use contact information to update you on the progress of any order, to clarify details or to inform you of important information in regards to current or previous orders.
Your use of the order form on our website is deemed to be your consent to provide us with necessary details of your contact information.
We do not collect any information which may be deemed "sensitive personal data" under the Data Protection Act 1998.
We make every effort to safeguard the information that you provide to us.
If you send an enquiry to our team asking for information, we may need to contact government departments to find the answer.
However, we do not include your personal information when dealing with your enquiry.
When the team has replied to you, they keep a record of your message for three months for reference and audit purposes, after which it is deleted.
How we use your payment information
Your Paypal, Credit or Debit card details are not collected or stored by S.H.E Global LLP.
This information is collected and processed by PayPal using their secure fully automated servers. You should read the PayPal terms and conditions in order to understand their use of your information.
We only store your shipping information, contact name, email and telephone number in order to process your order effectively.
We occasionally send out emails to inform you of special offers from our web site that may be of interest to you.
Instructions on how to unsubscribe from our mailing list will be included in every email.
We will never share your email address with any 3rd parties.
Linking to other websites
We want to make your life simpler by adding useful and interesting links that you may want to click on. However, we have no control over the content of any external website links contained on the S.H.E. Global website. Please read the terms and conditions of use on those sites.